Sunday, 20 December 2009

Going home!

Just a quick post today as I've been told I can go home today! It's a little bit surreal because I literally pack and walk out the door. Can't explain why this feels odd, I guess it is because I have gone from a protectively isolated room with a daily routine designed to keep me infection free to being allowed to walk down the corridor and into the street. I haven't stepped into the corridor for about 1.5 weeks! It feels like a wild jungle to me.

Technically, the doctors were waiting for my white blood counts to reach 1.0, and then for my neutrophils to reach 0.5. Well today was 0.48 so close enough....

As a farewell surprise, today's lunch is a Christmas dinner with all the trimmings which was a welcome festive treat!

So, I will now be packing all the cards and bits and pieces that have been so kindly sent to me by my lovely family and friends into a box. But no fear, I'll bring them all back again for the next round!

(written retrospectively)

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