I'm now back home; left hospital last Thursday and have been a bit up and down since leaving. It's great to be home, and the memories of round 3 are beginning to fade but I'm still left with some side effects and am tasked with building my strength and increasing my weight before round four starts.
When I left hospital, I actually felt pretty good - a bit unstable on my legs, but good appetite and everything running properly. However, after the weekend, I've started to feeling quite bad nausea which has affected my diet. It's also becoming a challenge to swallow the 33 odd tablets I have to take each day.... urgh!!
The only other things that are affecting me are a bizarre numbness in my right hand and weak muscles in my legs. Strangely, I don't find walking or stairs that difficult, however just standing up (eg queueing at the pharmacy ;-) ) is incredibly painful; like you've run a marathon and lactic acid is burning through your muscles (obviously, I've never run a marathon, so I'm just guessing, but lactic acid burn is something I'm familiar with at school cross country runs!).
Guess it will take some time to get back to normal - visiting hospital twice a week for the usual blood tests and the docs are saying positive things, so just need to 'give it time'!!
Great to hear you're back home and the doctors are saying good things!
Really sorry to hear you're feeling crap though. Like you say, guess it just takes some time.
I'm doing a sissy half-marathon in a week, so I'll let you know how that lactic acid feels. In fact, I'll go and stand in a queue and see what happens ;)
Keep keeping us up-to-date!
Good to hear you're making progress!
Thinking of you.
Fact one, you are never going to get decent grub in any hospital..unless you have a drone on import duty!
Fact two, could always get you a Jason mask from Halloween if you are missing the oxygen one!
Glad to hear you are out of the hospital though, in no time you'll be able to join us around Richmond Park for a repeat of the walk..then you'll get the lactic acid burn for sometime!
Take it easy mate
Glad you are back home, at least for a bit. Maybe you should try my cooking and see if that makes any difference :-). Keep on going - thinking of you lots...big big hug (Simo)
Have you been sitting on your hand for long periods as I hear that can cause numbness?
Glad to hear you are out and about. How long have you got unitl the next treatment starts?
I hope you keep getting better and will keep thinking of you.
All the best
Hi Ed, Sorry to hear you are not so good! I wish you a speed recover and best wishes. Keep going.. Khaled
Hay Dude, keep eating, and get stronger. Cant wait till your back to normality again.
The Dude
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